From Friday 31 January, the Devon Wellbeing Hub will no longer be taking new referrals. The service will honour its commitments to staff who are already receiving support. 

About the Wellbeing Hub

The Devon Wellbeing Hub was set up in March 2021, in response to the impact of COVID-19. The Hub is operated by staff from Devon Partnership NHS Trust, who are working on behalf of the Devon Integrated Care System, in collaboration with Livewell Southwest and One Devon

We are open to anyone working in healthcare, social care or the Police in Devon and Plymouth; no matter what your role. This includes people working for the NHS, in social care settings and primary care health services, as well as people working in care homes, for domiciliary care organisations, for VCSE organisations who deliver health or social services, for the police or for any non-clinical role.

The Hub is designed to be a single place where someone concerned about their wellbeing can come, unpick their needs and be supported to get to the right services quickly. Our service is completely confidential and we can help with a range of issues, whether they’re related to the pandemic or not. We can support you with managing stress and mental wellbeing, financial worries, domestic violence and relationship issues or any other issues you’re facing with your wellbeing. 

Our team is made up of trained NHS staff, including Clinical Psychologists, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners and Chaplains who are here to support you with empathy and understanding and help you find the tools and services to help you with any issues you are facing.

We want as many colleagues as possible to be able to book an appointment with the Hub. We understand that some people will have different accessibility needs which is why we can be flexible with the support we offer. For example, you may want to meet face-to-face rather than virtually, or you may like to bring someone along to your assessment. When you get in touch, please let us know your needs and we will do our best to accommodate. 


Hear from some of the individuals and teams we've supported:

News Stories

Below are some of our recent news stories, which include updates and top tips: 

Get in touch

The Hub operates between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and we aim to respond to any emails or messages received out of hours on the next working day.

Now more than ever, it’s important to look after our wellbeing, so get in touch by emailing us at, or by calling on 0300 303 5455.

For urgent mental health support 24/7, please contact the First Response Service via NHS 111 (select the mental health option).