From Friday 31 January, the Devon Wellbeing Hub will no longer be taking new referrals. The service will honour its commitments to staff who are already receiving support. 

Getting help

Are you worried about a colleague? Have you noticed that they’re not quite themselves, they’re struggling with issues in their personal life or that they are finding it hard to cope with what they have experienced during the pandemic and the pressures of their job?

If you’re a manager or work in occupational health, you can refer a member of staff to the Devon Wellbeing Hub. To do this, we will need you to provide us with contact details for the member of staff you wish to refer and an explicit statement that they have consented to be referred to us. We will then contact them to take further details and book a wellbeing assessment.  

What happens next?

Your colleague will speak with a qualified and understanding NHS clinician who’ll compassionately listen to how they are feeling and any concerns they may have. Together, they will develop a Colleague Wellbeing Plan with their next steps. We will then be able to refer and signpost them to a wide range of services available across Devon, including services provided by your own employer; the NHS and other statutory services. 

Referring a colleague is simple, get in touch by emailing us at, or by calling on 0300 303 5455 – we will also be happy to answer any further questions you have. You can also refer a colleague by filling in our referral form.

Wellbeing Buddy training 

We are pleased to be able to offer a one-day course to train colleagues to become Wellbeing Buddies. Also known as Wellbeing Champions, Buddies support the wellbeing of colleagues within their organisation. 

The training is led by our Colleague Wellbeing Practitioners and explores a number of topics including; effective wellbeing conversations, active listening and signposting. 

If you are a manager and interested in running a Wellbeing Buddy training session for your organisation, please contact

Wellbeing check-in guide

Simply starting a conversation and being there to listen when someone is struggling can really help make a difference to their wellbeing. If you’re worried about a colleague, or have noticed they’re not quite themselves, take a look at our simple guide on how to check-in:

• Firstly, it’s important to make sure you are ok. Before you can look out for others, you need to look after yourself. Self-care is important. Prepare for the conversation – are you in the right headspace? Are you able to actively listen and give as much time as needed?

• Try the Triple Tap when asking how someone is. Most people respond with “I’m fine”, out of impulse. Instead ask:
“Are you ok?”
“Are you really ok?”
“Are you sure you’re ok?”
It also helps to keep the question open – “how are you feeling?”

• Think about the environment. If your colleague is upset, find somewhere private to talk. Some people may prefer to walk and talk.

• Be an active listener. Don’t feel you have to problem solve or give advice, often just listening is enough.

• Show empathy. Take your colleague's needs and concerns seriously and don’t judge.

• Check-in with your colleague regularly – ideally at the start and end of the day, if possible. This applies when working from home too. It’s easy to feel isolated when working remotely, and therefore it may be even harder to actively reach out.

Follow up on any decisions that might have come out of your conversation.

• Know where to signpost. We have a range of useful resources on our website, but our Wellbeing Practitioners can talk in more detail about someone’s needs and help find them the right support.


For urgent mental health support 24/7, please contact the First Response Service via NHS 111 (select the mental health option).